North Middlesex Maternity Services
What the service does
The maternity services at North Middlesex offer pregnant women the opportunity to have care from a midwife, ultrasound scans and where needed, see specialist doctors and other professionals to ensure that they and their babies have the safest possible pregnancy, birth and postnatal care.
We also offer 7 day a week early pregnancy and emergency gynaecology services. We offer community based services for women living in our immediate community area, and also see women living outside of Enfield and Haringey in our hospital based clinics. Our community teams look after women in their pregnancy, for some women during their birth and afterwards.
We offer choice of place of birth either at home or in hospital at our birth centre or obstetric led labour ward. We have specialist teams who can support women with mental health needs, women who have medical conditions or whose babies require additional support after birth.
How to access the service
Early pregnancy and emergency gynaecology services can be accessed via your GP or Urgent care centres.
Women booking for maternity care can self refer using this link NMUH – Maternity Online Booking Form (patientdb.com)